report The International Conference on “Instrumental Methods of Analysis” has celebrated its 20th anniversary this year in the beautiful city of Ioannina! EXSA has contributed to the IMA 2019 Conference within its objective, i.e. to support and to promote financially young scientists’ participation in the event.
Of notice that a special session related to X-Ray Spectroscopy Techniques has taken place under the auspices of EXSA. Two awards were bestowed in that occasion, one for best oral presentation, attributed to F. Pinakidou (Thessaloniki, Greece - Immobilization of heavy metals in drinking water: the role of metal (oxy)hydroxides on sorption mechanism using X-ray absorption spectroscopies) and one for best poster, given to M. Musielak (Katowice, Poland – Inorganic analysis of tea samples using energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and multivariate variance analysis).
Apart from being present with posters displayed at all times during the conference, EXSA has also been granted a time slot in the scientific program to present its objectives, aims, and recent activities, which has ensured to our Association very nice visibility. Moreover, EXSA has been very warmly thanked for its contribution to the success of the conference by M. Ochsenkühn-Petropoulou, chair of the conference and EXSA member.
Jun 25-28, 2019 18th International Conference on Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Analysis and Related Methods (TXRF-2019), Girona, Spain more info
report The TXRF Conference was held successfully in Girona, Spain, last June 25-28, 2019. The participants could enjoy the scientific program while discovering a beautiful city, and benefit from nice hospitality while experiencing Catalan food!
EXSA has contributed to the TXRF 2019 Conference within its objective, i.e. to support financially young scientists’ participation in the event. The organizing committee was able to offer free conference fees to almost 75% of students participating in the conference.
The ExCom was pleased about the good visibility that the organizing committee has ensured for EXSA via posters, logo on slides in the opening and closing addresses, and numerous marks of appreciation for EXSA support!
May 13-17, 2019 EXSA event on Quantitative methods in XRS, Lisbon, Portugal more info
report This event was organized with our colleagues and EXSA members Mauro Guerra and José Paulo Santos from the FCT Nova University in Lisbon.
Not only could we benefit from a wonderful weather, friendly atmosphere and great beer and food, but also from excellent scientific exchanges, with poster session and discussion extending very late in the evening, from the dynamism brought by young scientists’ presentations, and from new impulses for some projects and initiatives. The detailed program and pictures can be consulted at:
The week began with a 2-day school balanced in between lectures and hands-on trainings. The school attendees have enjoyed the variety and the quality of the lectures proposed to them, and it was very hard to remove them from the room at the end of the training sessions! The results of the survey were very encouraging for the Organizing Committee, as all participants mentioned that the sessions were extremely educational, have extended their knowledge and scientific perspectives, not to mention the possibility of networking created. Surprisingly, they consider the school length to be way too short, and have suggested to us to think about adding 1 to 2 days to the program!
The workshop which followed was punctuated by numerous lively discussions and could attract attendees coming not only from Europe, but also from America or Oceania. We are happy that the participants enjoy their attachment to the EXSA community thanks to the friendly atmosphere and the relevance of the work which is presented in our events! Last but not least, a meeting of the Fundamental Parameters Initiative has concluded this busy week. The Organizing Committee considers that the workshop has met its goals, and we are pleased to have heard that the Second edition of “quantification methods in X-ray spectrometry” is considered as a true success!
We hope that you enjoyed being with us, or consider joining us next time!
Sep 03-07, 2018 HCI 2018 - 19th International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions, Lisbon, Portugal more info
Aug 03-07, 2015 16 th International Conference on Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Analysis and Related Methods (TXRF 2015), Westminster, Colorado, USA
Jul 13-17, 2015 Joint ICTP-IAEA Workshop on Advances in X-ray Instrumentation for Cultural Heritage Applications, Trieste, Italy
Apr 27-30, 2015 TECHNART 2015, Catania, Italy
Apr 16/17, 2015 FP Workshop 2015, Lisbon, Portugal
Apr 27-30, 2009 International Workshop on Non-destructive and Microanalysis Techniques in Art and Cultural Heritage Research TechnArt 2009, Athens, Greece more info
Jan 21-23, 2008 School on Synchrotron X-ray and IR Methods Focusing on Environmental Sciences, Synchrotron Radiation Source ANKA, Karlsruhe, Germany more info
report Synchrotron radiation-based techniques are increasingly employed in environmental sciences. The development of remediation technologies and the assessment of waste disposal strategies including radioactive waste require characterization of contaminants on a molecular scale.
The school intends to bring together specialists on synchrotron methods with students, postdoctoral researchers and also senior scientists who deal with environmental questions and are interested to learn how to apply synchrotron based methods in solving them. Experience with synchrotron methods is not a prerequisite.
Topics to be covered include synchrotron based techniques such as X-ray microscopy, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence analysis, and Infrared spectroscopy. Applications in environmental science will be presented for each of the methods.
A special challenge is the chemical and mineralogical characterisation of complex samples, e.g., contaminated soils, consisting of mixtures of minerals with micro or nano-scale particle sizes, microbes, and plants. It will be shown how a combination of microfocused synchrotron radiation techniques reveal spatial distribution of minerals, speciation, and phase association of trace levels in such heterogeneous samples. The spatially resolved analysis of heavy metal pollutants incorporated to the human body will be presented. The impact of synchrotron-based methods to geomicrobiology should be part of the discussion since the microbe - mineral interactions are increasingly recognized to control environmental processes.
The programme consists of talks given by invited synchrotron experts, a guided tour through the synchrotron radiation source ANKA and of discussions at the posters during an evening event. Poster presentations of the participants (not only synchrotron radiation based science) are welcome.
Jörg Göttlicher; E-Mail:, phone +49(0) 7247-82-6070; Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institute for Synchrotron Radiation, Geb. 329, Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz-1, D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
Nov 15/16, 2007 Prozessnahe Röntgenanalytik, PRORA 2007, Berlin, Germany more info
Apr 25-28, 2007 International Workshop on 'Non-destructive and Microanalysis Techniques in Art and Cultural Heritage Research', Lisbon, Portugal more info
report For the third time the conference PRORA "Prozessnahe Röntgenanalytik" took place on 24 and 25 November 2005 at Berlin's largest Science and Technology Campus Adlershof. Professor Langhoff, a managing director of IfG Institute for Scientific Instruments and Dr. Schönborn, chairperson of the network OptecBB for optical technologies in Berlin and Brandenburg opened the conference.
This conference established in 2001 takes place biannually and is dedicated to modern developments in the area of process analytics by X-rays. Beside industrial applications for mobile X-ray analytic devices already treated in the conferences before also the combination of different analytic procedures for the monitoring of technological processes was to be discussed in this year.
This german conference PRORA is generally established for the exchange of experience between users, scientists and manufacturers from analytical devices. The first two conferences in the years 2001 and 2003 have been attended by more than 100 participants each as well as from industry, research institutions and universities. In addition more than 10 manufacturing firms, like such well-known internationally active companies as PANalytical, RÖNTEC, and SPECTRO Analytical Instruments joined the accompanying industrial exhibition.
To this year's conference approx. 130 participants have been expected. On the industrial exhibition 17 companies presented their products. Beside the companies already acknowledged in particular the participation of the Bruker AXS GmbH, Karlsruhe is to mention. This company - an internationally leading offerer of X-ray analytic decvices - recently took over the ROENTEC AG. The former ROENTEC AG is now present as Bruker AXS Microanalysis GmbH Berlin. New exhibitors are among others also Oxford instruments, Helmut Fischer GmbH & CO. Kg, as well as the EFG GmbH Berlin, which represents the Japanese market leader Rigaku.
The conferences showed the grewing interest in compact, transportable x-ray units. An increasing number of users would like such kind of devices for their purposes and the manufacturers follow this demand by new developments. The trend was generally confirmed to the on- and in-line analytics. Specifically adapted solutions for different technological requirements are inquired. This demand can be obtained only by a modular structure of X-ray analytical devices.
Apart from the interest in instruments the progress in X-ray-analytic procedures and the calibration of sources and detectors for reliable results of measurement plays an important role in the industrial process analytics. These questions can be often answered only by use of synchrotron radiation. Furthermore the development of combined devices using different analytic procedures for the monitoring of technological processes has been observed.
The board of organizers contains of VDI/VDE - The Association of German Engineers, Optec-Berlin-Brandenburg (OpTecBB) - an initiative of companies, universities and scientific institutes to strengthening the economic power of the Berlin-Brandenburg region through joint activities using the potential of the optical technologies, Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration IZM, Technology Foundation Berlin, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Technical University Berlin, European X-ray Spectrometry Association as well as IfG Institute for Scientific Instruments GmbH and Institute for applied photonics (IAP). IfG and IAP are responsible for the organization of the conference and the accompanying industrial and poster exhibition.
Nov 17/18, 2005 Training course on synchrotron radiation applications in chemistry and environmental sciences, Budapest, Hungary more info