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Biennial Awards of the European X-ray Spectrometry Association (EXSA) for Young X-ray Spectrometrists

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Every applicant for the Award must be 35 years or younger. Two awards will be attributed, one award for the PhD thesis (PhD obtained in the last two years) and one Postdoc award for the other young scientists.
  2. The major conditions are that the candidate has achieved internationally recognizable results either in the academic domain or in the field of innovation, and that consequently the main publications should be preferably in major European languages.
  3. The winner will be obliged to participate at the EXRS conference.

Submission procedure

  1. The period for the submissions of the applications ends on February 15th in years of EXRS conferences.
  2. The application of the candidate has to reach office by e-mail.
  3. The application is limited to 3 pages for the curriculum and the description of the own contributions.
  4. You will find the full invitation for applications for EXSA's young scientist awards after their announcement here.

Selection procedure

  1. A special committee has been nominated for the selection by the ExCom; it will receive all documents.
  2. The Award will be handed over by the EXSA president during the EXRS conference.


Ina Reiche, Paris, France
Giancarlo Pepponi, Trento, Italy
Eva Marguí, Barcelona, Spain (PostDoc Award)
Matthias Müller, Berlin, Germany (PhD Award)
Marta Manso, Lisbon, Portugal (PhD Award)
Beatrix Pollakowski, Berlin, Germany (PostDoc Award)
Matthias Alfeld, Hamburg, Germany (PhD Award)
Dimosthenis Sokaras, Stanford, CA, USA (PostDoc Award)
Yves Kayser, Berlin, Germany (PostDoc Award)
Philipp Hönicke, Berlin, Germany (PhD Award)
Frederik Vanmeert, Antwerp, Belgium (PostDoc Award)
Laura Torrent Fàbrega, Villigen, Switzerland (PhD Award)
André Wählisch, Berlin, Germany (PhD Award)

The EXSA award on outstanding achievement in X-ray Spectrometry

until 2014 EXSA bestowed an award on outstanding career in X-ray Spectrometry

Eligibility criteria:

  • publication & research record in XRS
  • teaching & organisational record in XRS
  • presence at EXRS conferences & EXSA events
  • achievement in improving XRS methods and/or their application

1st step: nomination committee (consisting of scientists in XRS)

  • 2024: committee members:
    • Davide Bleiner (EMPA Duebendorf, Switzerland)
    • Joanna Hoszowska (University of Fribourg, Switzerland)
    • Birgit Kanngießer (Technical University Berlin, Germany)
    • Giancarlo Pepponi (FBK Trento, Italy)
    • Maria Ochsenkuehn-Petropoulou (National Technical University Athens, Greece)
  • proposes 3 to 4 candidates for the award

2nd step: decision committee (consisting of scientists from adjacent fields)

  • 2024: committee members:
    • t.b.a.
  • decides on one of the nominated candidates


until 2014 outstanding carreer award
Horst Ebel, Vienna, Austria
Peter Wobrauschek, Vienna, Austria
René Van Grieken , Antwerp, Belgium
Roberto Cesareo, Sassari, Italy
Alex von Bohlen, Dortmund, Germany
Koen Janssens, Antwerp, Belgium
Burkhard Beckhoff, Berlin, Germany
Birgit Kanngießer, Berlin, Germany

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