We thank our major sponsoring members for their support.
Winter School on Advanced Materials, Measurements and Standardisation
Claviere, Italy more information ICAL
HZB Photon School 2020
Berlin, Germany more information ICAL
ALTECH 2020 - analytical techniques for precise characterization of nano materials
Strasbourg, France more information ICAL
EXRS-2020 (becomes EXRS2022)
Bruges, Belgium more information ICAL
Conference on Potentially Toxic Elements - from environment to men
Lisbon, Portugal more information ICAL
International Summer School on Totalreflection X-Ray Fluorescence (ISS-TXRF)
Bari, Italy more information ICAL
Eighth International Conference on Radiation in Various Fields of Research RAD2020
Herceg Novi, Montenegro more information ICAL
DXC - 69th Annual Denver X-ray Conference
a virtual event more information ICAL
International Conference on X-ray Lasers (ICXRL)
Rome, Italy more information ICAL
New Trends in Soft X-ray Analytics at Photonics Days 2020
online event more information ICAL
1st international virtual workshop of the FP initiative
online event more information ICAL
To post a missing event please send an email to EXSA's webmaster.
WEBCAL for further events please consult the XRS calendar
We thank our major sponsoring members for their support.