We thank our major sponsoring members for their support.
Grenoble, France more information ICAL
SyNew 2018 - The Dutch-Belgian Synchrotron/Neutron/FEL workshop and Symposium on synchrotron based imaging and spectroscopy
Ghent, Belgium more information ICAL
European Symposium on Atomic Spectrometry ESAS & CANAS
Berlin, Germany more information ICAL
X-ray Metrology Workshop XRM-2018
Utrecht, The Netherlands more information ICAL
European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry
Ljubljana, Slovenia more information ICAL
International School on Materials for Energy and Sustainability
Erice, Italy more information ICAL
17th International Conference on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS)
Kraków, Poland more information ICAL
67th annual Denver X-ray Conference
Westminster, Colorado, U.S.A. more information ICAL
School on Application of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science
Lauenburg/Hamburg, Germany more information ICAL
HCI 2018 - 19th International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions
Lisbon, Portugal more information ICAL
XTOP 2018 – 14th Biennial Conference on High-Resolution X-Ray Diffraction and Imaging
Bari, Italy more information ICAL
Physics with Free Electron Lasers
Bad Honnef, Germany more information ICAL
14th International Symposium on Radiation Physics
Córdoba, Argentina more information ICAL
Physics of X-Ray and Neutron Multilayer Structures PXRNMS2018
Palaiseau, France more information ICAL
To post a missing event please send an email to EXSA's webmaster.
WEBCAL for further events please consult the XRS calendar
We thank our major sponsoring members for their support.