We thank our major sponsoring members for their support.
nano tech 2015
Tokyo, Japan more information ICAL
14th International Conference on Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE 2015)
Somerset West, Western Cape, South Africa more information ICAL
FP Workshop 2015
Lisbon, Portugal more information ICAL
Catania, Italy more information ICAL
THEOPRAX - Theoretical and Practical X-ray fluorescence spectrometry workshop
Girona, Spain more information ICAL
12th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI 2015)
New York, NY, USA more information ICAL
Joint ICTP-IAEA Workshop on Advances in X-ray Instrumentation for Cultural Heritage Applications
Trieste, Italy more information ICAL
16 th International Conference on Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Analysis and Related Methods (TXRF 2015)
Westminster, Colorado, USA more information ICAL
64 th Annual Conference on Applications of X-ray Analysis (Denver X-ray Conference)
Westminster, Colorado, USA more information ICAL
16th International Conference on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS16)
Karlsruhe, Germany more information ICAL
colloquium spectroscopicum internationale XXXIX
Figueira da Foz, Coimbra, Portugal more information ICAL
16th International Conference on Small-Angle Scattering
Berlin, Germany more information ICAL
9th International Conference on "Instrumental Methods of Analysis-Modern Trends and Applications" IMA2015
Kalamata, Greece more information ICAL
International Conference on Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy
Stony Brook, NY, USA more information ICAL
IAEA Technical Meeting on Developments in Instrumentation and Novel Techniques for X-Ray Spectrometry Applications
Vienna, Austria more information ICAL
16th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis ECASIA
Granada, Spain more information ICAL
2nd Heavy Metals workshop
Lisbon, Portugal more information ICAL
process oriented x-ray analysis (PRORA)
Berlin, Germany more information ICAL
To post a missing event please send an email to EXSA's webmaster.
WEBCAL for further events please consult the XRS calendar
We thank our major sponsoring members for their support.