We thank our major sponsoring members for their support.
FP initiative workshop 2013
Berlin, Germany more information ICAL
PIXE2013 - 13th International Conference on Particle Induced X-Ray Emission
Gramado, RS - Brazil more information ICAL
21st Annual Meeting of the German Crystallographic Society (DGK)
Freiberg, Germany more information ICAL
Joint ICTP-IAEA Workshop on Advanced Synchrotron Radiation Based X-ray Spectrometry Techniques
Trieste, Italy more information ICAL
Strasbourg, France more information ICAL
17th Pan-American Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation Conference
Gaithersburg, MD USA more information ICAL
15th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors - iWoRID
Paris, France more information ICAL
The 17th International Conference on Radiation Effects in Insulators
Helsinki, Finland more information ICAL
First International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures (ICTMS 2013)
Ghent, Belgium more information ICAL
VUVX - 38th international conference on vacuum ultraviolet and x-ray physics
Hefei, Anhui Province, China more information ICAL
X-Ray Science Gordon Research Conference
Stonehill College, Easton, MA, USA more information ICAL
RACIRI Summer School
Petergof (Peterhof), Russia more information ICAL
22nd International Congress on X-Ray Optics and Microanalysis ICXOM22
Hamburg, Germany more information ICAL
ECAART 11th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology
Namur, Belgium more information ICAL
IMA 2013-Instrumental Methods of Analysis-Modern Trends and Applications
Thessaloniki, Greece more information ICAL
2013 JSAP-MRS Joint Symposia
Kyoto, Japan more information ICAL
FP initiative workshop 2013
Tsukuba, Japan more information ICAL
TechnArt 2013
Amsterdam, The Netherlands more information ICAL
15th International Conference on Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis and Related Methods (TXRF2013)
Osaka, Japan more information ICAL
9th Autumn School on X-ray Scattering from Surfaces and Thin Layers
Smolenice Castle, Slovakia more information ICAL
GISAXS workshop
Hamburg, Germany more information ICAL
16th International Congress of Metrology
Paris, France more information ICAL
Application of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science
Ammersbek / Hamburg, Germany more information ICAL
15th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis
Cagliari, Sardinia (Italy) more information ICAL
PTB-Seminar VUV and EUV Metrology
Berlin, Germany more information ICAL
7. Fachtagung Prozessnahe Röntgenanalytik PRORA
Berlin, Germany more information ICAL
European Synchrotron Light Source XXI Workshop 2013
Karlsruhe, Germany more information ICAL
2013 MRS Fall Meeting
Boston, Massachusetts, USA more information ICAL
Neutron Scattering & X-Ray Studies for the Advancement of Materials at THERMEC
Las Vegas, USA more information ICAL
To post a missing event please send an email to EXSA's webmaster.
WEBCAL for further events please consult the XRS calendar
We thank our major sponsoring members for their support.