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European X-ray Spectrometry Association

Young Scientist Awards 2022

The Young Scientist Award 2022 committee was composed of five members, with one representative from industry, two former awardees, one experienced scientist from the academia, and EXSA's vice-president as coordinator. Deciding among the applicants was not an easy task, given their quality and quantity. The YSA committee was pleased to meet the challenge, and to bring the selection process to an end this year, after having had to cancel the procedure in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. EXSA would like to thank sincerely the YSA committee members for their expertise and professionalism in judging the applicants.

EXSA presents the young scientist award 2022 to Frederik Vanmeert (c) E.A.Clerici, UAntwerpWe were pleased to bestow the EXSA Young Scientist Award (Early Career) to Frederik Vanmeert from Antwerp University and the Royal Institute of Cultural Heritage (Belgium).

Frederik Vanmeert during his talk (c) E.A.Clerici, UAntwerpIn particular, the panel has wished to recognise his contributions to the Cultural Heritage Community, in which he has demonstrated excellent research capabilities in both instrumental and methodological developments, and scientific applications.

As it is tradition now, Frederik was invited to give an oral presentation in a plenary session of the EXRS Conference and received, besides the certificate, a cash prize.


EXSA presents the young scientist award (Ph.D.) 2022 to Laura Torrent Fabrega (c) E.A.Clerici, UAntwerp

The EXSA Young Scientist Award (Ph.D.) was attributed to Laura Torrent Fàbrega (now PSI, Switzerland) for her Ph.D. work performed at Girona University (Spain) and entitled: "Occurrence and behavior of silver nanoparticles in the environment: Analytical methodologies and laboratory studies.”

Laura has received a certificate and a cash prize.

She also presented a poster during the conference, in the environmental session.


These awardees, from completely different fields of research, and using different investigation techniques and methods, reflected well the richness, diversity and potential for applications of our X-ray Spectrometry Community.

Congratulations again to Frederik and Laura! EXSA wishes both awardees great success in their professional career.

Photos © Ermanno Avranovich Clerici - PhD student at University of Antwerp

This entry was posted on Monday, July 11th, 2022 a 05:34 pm.

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