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PostDoc position in aerosol science available in Lund (Sweden)

A PostDoc position is available in a collaboration between Lund Technical University and MAX IV, and located in Lund (Sweden).

They are looking for a postdoctoral candidate for a 2-year position to be a part of the beamline team (FinEstBeaMS), working with development of instrumentation for aerosol research and conducting related research. The main duties involved in a post-doctoral position is to conduct research. Teaching may also be included, but up to no more than 20% of working hours. The position shall include the opportunity for three weeks of training in higher education teaching and learning.

In this role the candidates' tasks will consist of, but will not be limited to, the following:

  • Development of a mobile aerodynamic lens system for aerosol studies - design, construction and commissioning of the aerodynamic lens arrangement.
  • Taking an active part in the research projects connected to the designed sample environment and projects related to high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy within aerosol science
  • The postdoc is expected to take an interest in cross-beamline research with the aim to further the development of aerosol research at other MAX IV beamlines, both in the soft x-ray and the hard x-ray regions.
  • User support in general, and specifically to the aerosol science community and taking part in workshops, outreach efforts and conferences.
  • Contributions to applications for external research funding.

The last application date is September 22nd, 2020.

You will find further information at: https://lu.varbi.com/en/what:job/jobID:349406

This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020 a 04:03 pm.

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