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There is a PostDoc position available in the Analytical and Environmental Chemistry Group (QAA) of the Department of Chemistry of the University of Girona
The research proposed is focused on the development of simple and sustainable analytical methods using new sample treatment approaches and different low-power X-ray fluorescence systems (XRF) for the reliable determination of inorganic compounds as well as metallic nanoparticles in environmental matrices, which is at present an analytical challenge.
Microextraction strategies (using new carbon-based nanomaterials as well as liquid phase microextraction) and the use of novel activated thin layers will be explored as potential sample treatment strategies to be used in combination with low power 2D-EDXRF, TXRF and hand-held XRF systems.
You will find further information here. The application deadline is June 1st, 2020.
This entry was posted on Monday, May 25th, 2020 a 10:00 am.
We thank our major sponsoring members for their support.