two positions for physicists at PTB in Berlin
- Development of quantitative models for the scattering of EUV and X-ray radiation on structured surfaces, including stochastic parameters of real samples such as surface and edge roughness as well as conception, carrying-out and evaluation of the associated experiments
- Conception, carrying-out and evaluation of experiments for small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) on biological nanoparticles and on nanoparticles in biological media
- Completed university studies of physics with a very good grade (German “Diplom” or master)
- Knowledge and practical experience in at least one of the following fields: synchrotron radiation, small-angle X-ray scattering, optical scattering procedures mathematic modelling of scattering processes, preparation and investigation of biological samples with physical methods
- Interest in the development of theoretical models by software solutions by your own and in the carrying-out and interpretation of complex experiments
- Pronounced ability to work in a team, good programming knowledge
- Good command of both the German and the English languages.
Application deadline: March 15, 2012
For further information see