Theoretical and Practical XRF workshop: Instrumentation and Applications (THEOPRACT-2011)

The workshop taking place June 28-30, 2011 in Girona, Spain covers the theory and applications of the various XRF spectrometric techniques, from the well established to the emerging topics.

The program consists of several lectures, given by international and national recognized speakers and practical sessions, which include hands on activities using different x-ray fluorescence based configurations: TXRF , EDXRF and µ-EDXRF.

Attendees have the opportunity to bring up questions on specific topics or applications for discussion in the workshop.

Topics of discussion:

  • Sample preparation procedures for XRF analysis
  • Quantification methodology
  • State-of-the-Art of commercial and lab-made XRF instrumentation (WDXRF, EDXRF, TXRF, µ-XRF)
  • XRF spectrometry applications (Theoretical and practical sessions)
  • Further information can be found on the workshop homepage.